Over React

Two weeks ago.
Too shameful .. memalukan banget..

I live in a room with a shared balcony area which is also used for (cloth) drying area.
It happened two or three times that some body(s) has accidentally took and not return (stolen??) a piece or two of my cloth. There was a new shirt given by a friend as a birthday present ... sigh sigh ...

So two weeks ago, I went home from office only to find that the whole laundry of mine which I put on my private area near my room: all disappeared! I was tired of something I couln't remember it now, so I search to the common area in case somebody has moved them, but no. So I went down to the maid's room but she wasn't there. Then I saw there were 2 boys, so I asked them if they knew about my cloths and that all of them were disappeared. Fortunately or unfortunately one of them can understand one or two words of English so with the help of non verbal language which I insisted to show them the place I hung my clothes and other things until they understand what I mean. It is very nice of them, they tried to call the maid to ask about it. I already so angry that I cried over and that they seems difficult to understand made more sad.

Then I saw my neighbor and I told him that I lost my cloths if he knew about it .. he said something about his room. I got the feeling they are in his room, and yes finally his wife told me that her husband has moved them because it was raining and I was working.

Wow ... thank God that I could get them back all ..


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