
Showing posts from May, 2012

Help Wanted

Help help ... Udah capek nih ... maunya ini tapi kenapa yang lain jadinya... In this moment, a secretary really need a secretary to assist her. A matter of time management or over load? A thing that I struggled recently, pointing in two direction between accept-try-t0-do-my-best-almost-fell-sick-many times and reject-other-incomeing-tasks-that-flowing-like-river. another thing I must faced Oooh, please help me

My Dean Tony (6)

Soon, James Lee, a handsome young man with good attitude and not to mention his family wealth has become an interesting and considered-man in town. Words about him spread in town, doesn't need much effort to get the information. In our small town any news spread very fast, good news or bad news. Even no internet yet at that time. James Lee, which is Tony's uncle seem to had a special place in my aunt's heart. Now the folk who used to gather at our house gradually decreased in numbers. I didn't know why at that time. I just missed all of them, the slaughters, joys, spirit of the young people. Every Saturday James Lee would come to our house. I would watched them from a distance. Now only they two, with a maid near my aunt. **will continue later, somehow the inspiration is hiding somewhere else leaving me lost in the space**

My First Book

My first book was published in 2010, finally, after some very tiring and exhausting days. Thank to my friend who has the idea, and as a co-author I did some details to make it complete. Hopefully can make more books in the future, but don't have any idea what topic.

Day 2: Jalan Jalan murah KL - Hatyai @Kosit Hotel

Sebelumnya kami naik bis dari depan terminal Puduraya ke Hatyai (Thailand). Sampai di Hatyai sekitar jam 7.30 pagi kami diturunkan di kantor travelnya. Mereka menyediakan jasa penukaran uang (money changer) dan tiket van ke beberapa kota lainnya. Meskipun kurang lancar berbahasa Inggris staff-nya cukup ramah, dan mereka memberikan peta Hatyai (Hatyai city map). It's a good start! Dari sana kami berjalan ke Hotel Kosit, dimana kami akan menginap. Pada Maret 2012 ini per malamnya kena B700 twin bed standard room. Beberapa minggu sebelumnya setelah melakukan search dan read akhirnya memutuskan untuk di hotel ini karena ada review yang bagus mengenai hotel ini. Jadi kami sudah booking via email namun pembayarannya dilakukan setelah sampai di Hatyai (what a very convenient way). Ternyata jarak dari travel tadi ke hotel Kosit tidak terlalu jauh, sekitar tiga blok. Sepanjang perjalanan ke hotel toko-toko masih belum buka, jalanan juga masih lenggang, padahal itu hari Kamis hari kerja ...

I am Dried

Sudah Beberapa waktu ini sibuk sekali, rasanya waktu 24 jam tidak cukup... N barusan bertemu dengan orang-orang yang punya behavior kurang kusukai. Tidak mau membaca!!!! Hello??? Apa gunanya tulisan besar2 kalau tidak dibaca? Capek deh....