Planning in Daily Life

A friend of mine, someday after had conversation had told me "You are too extreme"

The reason is, well there are some points which he considered for me being an extremist .. in life. WOW ... surprise me. I still don;t think I am so extreme.

So for you I will describe the points he mentioned.
1. planning.
For me for many aspects in life must plan it, for example we plan for next week where are we going beside the routine work, what is the special appointment etc. Do I need to prepare special dress for special occasion, if so do I need to purchase one, if so how much is the budget and when can I go to the shops ?
This all about set aside the time for some 'must-do' or 'will-do' things.

2. importance of information
In order to make it of course I will need information. What information? Information about the events before, long enough for me to make the decision how to set the time and manage the activities. What to prepare for it. Information to give some understanding and a picture about what is going on etc.

Actually, point no. 1 and 2 I only use for my study. For prepare for the exam, doing the homework/paper .. and use spare time for other-non-study activities ... :D :D :D that's the use of planning and information .. for me.


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