Amusement Park Siam Park (More of Water Park)

10.09.07 Monday

Today I go to Siam Park with my friend. If you ever been to Dufan Jakarta it's sort of it, but in smaller scale, and of course in many aspects Dufan is alot alot better. In Siam Park many of the games are for children, and some for adults are very 'dangerous' to us :D for we don't want to have VORTEX and BOOMERANG, the kind of roller coaster .. we end up still have so many coupon unused. We give them to the kids. We choose ticket 350 B each which is discounted 50% from original price 700B. There is another option around 1000B which we can used for VORTEX cost about 300B alone.

The food is not so good too.

But talk at the poolside, and we enjoy it. I think it's the best part of the trip, just like talking to an old friend we can enjoy the conversation.

The DISCO TAGADA is scaring-me-to-death ... and I hold on the steel pipe so tight that my arms and my neck are hurt until 2 days after it.

The INDIANA LOG aka ARUNG JERAM of DUFAN, is quite OK, but the infrastructure of the building seems a little bit aged and not-well-maintained. Just pray, please let this smooth and nothing happen until we end this Indiana Log ... hah ah ha .. but really we do a little bit worry seeing the steel structure just like an old man. In fact, in the brochure it is stated that INDIANA LOG is NEW game for 2007! Imagine what is it behind the OLD GAMES!!!

The Haunted House is SCARYYY at first because it soooo dark that I can't see where to step my feet. And it has so scarrryy voices and sounds typical Asian ghost .. I hope I don't get nightmare :).

The ROCKET is exactly a 3D movie experience, but the screen is so small even smaller than the screen used for projector in the classroom. The chair is very small maybe for children and the "shakes" not so good ... far far .. from the one in DUFAN.

I think it;s enough to compare things, besides it's for children I guess. Why don't you go there with your family members I think it will be better.


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