Showing posts from 2008
Watch (Korean Drama) online!
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Several weeks ago I found this web where we can watch movie online. Besides the Hollywood movies, the web also provides Korean (movie & drama) which of course will be my next to do-list if I am free. Fortunately I found also Ms. Kim’s Million Dollar Quest which is only uploaded several parts in youtube. Until now I have watched till the 10 th episode … and as what I guess it is very interesting with Moo yul started to like Ms. Kim while Ms. Kim still has believe in her ex-fiancee. Will update later.
Print Your CD
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I did some recording of Sunday sermon and proceed to DVD. We can design the DVD Cover and - print it on sticker label then apply the sticker to the DVD; or - print the design directly to printable DVD .. I am using PRINCO printable DVD. The quality is so far so good, no problems encountered yet. I am using printer CANON PIXMA iP4300. When the ink in the cartridges were low, I tried to inject some ink and it wasn't a nice job, it was terrible. From all the ink I put in, it wasted half of it. So we tried to modify the printer, by installing the external ink-tank on the printer's side.
Which One to Choose?
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Stumbled on this so nice article about love ... just want to share. Have you proved the following? --- I might come across the situation which I have to choose giving my heart to someone among some others who also love me. Frankly saying it was very difficult to decide considering I find all man qualities that i am looking for on them. Wish I have special magic which able me to combine them into one man figure...of course it was a very silly impossible thinking. But later on, someone taught me to ask myself this question and answer it honestly. "When you are happy, which man would you want to share your happiness with?" The one you think of is someone you love. "When you are sad, which man you want to share your burden with?" The one you think of is also someone you love. If I think of the same man when I am happy & sad, that's the most perfect. But if I don't think of the same man, I was being advised to chose the one I am willing to share my sadness wi...
Sepatu Ijo Lumut
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Ceritanya begini. .. suatu kali sang Putri kepengin sepatu baru. Dia sudah melihat-lihat di majalah mode dan begitu matanya tertumbuk (??) pada si 'ijo lumut' dia langsung jatuh cinta. Modelnya tidak terlalu wah banget, tapi dia suka sekali karena 'so sweet' Jadilah si Putri ke toko dengan si Betty, si jago mode. Mungkin sulit menemukan sepatu yang persis seperti itu tapi tidak apa-apa yang mirip-mirip aja deh. Lumayan ada konsultan mode .. Mereka berkeliling ke beberapa toko sepatu. Menyisir mulai dari bagian sepatu sandal, sandal dari yang warna netral sampai yang memihak ... dari ujung sini sampai ujung sana belum ketemu juga. Entah sudah berapa puluh pasang sandal dicoba belum ada satu pun yang pas. Tiba-tiba si Betty bilang 'Putriii ... ini dia yang kamu cari!' Dan jadilah mereka gembira sekali karena telah menemukan sepatu yang dicari. kalo si Betty gembira karena itu artinya sekarang giliran Betty bisa hunting-hunting baju 'shop till drop' ... Bes...
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Di suatu tempat suatu masa … di negeri antah berantah C terpaku, tidak berapa jauh dari situ ada si X dengan beberapa temannya. Bukannya di kakinya C ada paku, bukan … tapi dia bingung bagaimana harus bersikap. Grogi …
Pasalnya minggu lalu ketika akan ke koperasi dia bertemu dengan si X dan sempat mengobrol sebentar. Bukan berdua aja sih tapi yang lainnya yah dianggap ngekos lah .. nah karena grogi maka si C sempat salah ucap. Yang lebih parah lagi anak kunci yang di tangannya tega-teganya meluncur ke lantai. Cash (= kontan) saja wajah si C merah kuning ijo minus kuning ijo hehehe … alias malu banget.
Benar-benar tidak seperti C deh. Sebagai seorang tokoh mahasiswa si C sudah terbiasa menghadapi orang. Tidak hanya dengan sesama manusia (ya iyalah mahasiswa kan manusia hehehe), dengan dosen, ataupun tokoh masyarat lainnya tidak ada masalah. C selalu percaya diri dalam percakapan dengan siapa saja. Siapa sangka .. hanya dengan seorang X saja C bisa begitu … malu.
Print Your Screen
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As a part of community we want to share what we have. Sometimes just need to show it to them. But what happen if what we want to share is in our computer? We can send them the file by email. Or other way we can capture our screen shot by using the button ‘Prt Scrn’ First, open the page you want to capture, press button ‘Prt Scrn’ and paste the image to Microsoft Word and save the document. It’s very easy right? Now you can share to your friend, or you can just print it ... Below is the illustration, which I save in Ms. Word with name document picture .
Jangan Marahi Monyet
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Jangan marahi monyet ... Ada 2 arti dari kalimat di atas, tergantung bagaimana cara kita membacanya. 1. Bila kita membacanya persis seperti itu, artinya ya ngapain marahi monyet ... wong monyet ya monyet ... belum tentu dia mengerti kita sedang memarahi dia, lha wong terkadang manusia saja tidak mengerti bila sedang dimarahi apalagi monyet ... 2. Bila membacanya "Jangan marahi, monyet" Nah ini artinya bahwa lawan bicara kita itu seakan-akan monyet ... hehehehe Jadi hati hati dalam penggunaan kata dan juga pengucapannya ... meskipun bahasa Indonesia tidak mengenal intonansi dalam kata tapi intonansi yang berbeda dalam satu kalimat akan mempunyai arti yang berbeda.. Intinya saudara-saudara : jangan marah deh ...
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Get this widget | Track details | eSnips Social DNA 世上只有妈妈好 shi shang zhi you mama hao 世上只有妈妈好,有妈的孩子像个宝, shi shang zhi you ma ma hao , you ma de hai zi xiang ge bao, ซื่อ ซั่ง จื่อ โหย่ว ม่า มา ฮ่าว,โหย่ว มา ตี ไห จื่อ เซี่ยง เกอ เป่า, 投进妈妈的怀抱,幸福享不了。 tou jin ma ma de huai bao, xing fu xiang bu liao. โถว จิ้น ม่า มา ตี หวย เป้า, ซิ่ง ฝู เสี่ยง ปู้ เหลียว . 世上只有妈妈好 shi shang zhi you mama hao 世上只有妈妈好,有妈的孩子像个宝, shi shang zhi you ma ma hao , you ma de hai zi xiang ge bao, ซื่อ ซั่ง จื่อ โหย่ว ม่า มา ฮ่าว,โหย่ว มา ตี ไห จื่อ เซี่ยง เกอ เป่า, 没有妈妈最苦恼,没妈的孩子像根草, mei you ma ma zui ku nao, mei ma de hai zi xiang gen cao, เหมย โหย่ว ม่า มา จุ้ย ขู่ เหน่า ,เหมย มา ตี ไห จื่อ เซี่ยง เกิน เฉ่า . 离开妈妈的怀抱,幸福哪里找。 Li kai ma ma de huai bao, xing fu na li zhao. หลี ไค ม่า มา ตี หวย เป้า ,ซิ่ง ฝู หน่า หลี เจ่า. 世上只有妈妈好,有妈的孩子不知道, shi shang zhi you ma ma hao, you ma de hai zhi bu zhi dao, ซื่อ ซั่ง จื่อ โหย่ว ม่า มา ฮ่าว,โหย่ว มา ตี ไห จื่อ ปู้ จือ เต้า, 要是他知道,梦里也会笑。 Yao shi ta zhi dao, meng ...
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"Friends forever," she said. "Friends forever," he said. Eight years old and they made the vow to remain friends forever. "I need some room," she said. "I'll back away," he said. Ten years old and they made the vow to give each other space. "Does Tommy like me?" she asked. "I'll find out," he said. Twelve years old and he made the vow to find out if Tommy liked her. "He doesn't love me anymore," she said. "He doesn't deserve you," he said. Fourteen years old and he made the vow to love her forever. "Nobody loves me," she said. "I know someone who does," he said. Sixteen years old and he made the vow to love her forever. "I'm getting married," she said. "I'll be there," he said. Eighteen years old and he made the vow to forever hold his peace "I got divorced yesterday," she said. "I'...
Real Player
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Software media player merupakan software yang bisa memainkan file mp3, movie ... contohnya Winamp, real player, Windows Media Player, Quick time, iTunes, Cyberlink Power DVD, Media Player Classic, dsb .. I have almost all of the above mentioned player in my computer unless the Media player Classic ... and among all I like realplayer the most ... for the following reasons: 1. relatif lebih ringan dibandingkan winamp 2. I like the user interface (minimalist n COOL or HOT?? :D) 3. as a browser also ... with homepage that list the 'on-top' movies and serial, range from Hollywoord, Asian commedy, thriller, romantic etc... We can watch the trailer FREE. 4. can download visualization direct from real player ... 5. the most important : FREE alias GRATIS!!! You can download real player at : This is one of my favorite visualization : Hubble Bubble. My Comment: VERY ROMANTIC ....
BT Punya Teman yang Suka BT
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Gua punya seorang teman. Ya sebutannya temanlah .. masa musuh … teman apa? Ya teman di suatu tempat suatu masa Suatu ketika dan tidak hanya sekali itu saja …. Si dia datang dengan ‘komplen’nya yang setelah ku-list sebagai berikut : - Tentang rekan kerjanya yang begini begitu - Rekannya yang tidak membantu kerjaannya - Tentang salah satu bosnya yang katanya kurang adil - Bosnya yang suka memojokkan dia - Tentang pekerjaannya yang membosankan - Betapa lambatnya waktu berjalan (??? Says who … padahal gua ini kerjaaan ga kelar-kelar hehe) - Kecilnya gajinya Karena berkali kali itulah … gua sekarang jadi sebel tuh kalo ketemu dia … ggggrrr Abis masa membawa-bawa masalah teruss apa ga capek kah hehhee Suatu saat saya coba bilangin Bersyukur dengan …. bla bla bla .. Dan suatu saat karena salah memililih kata-kata … dia malah marah padaku Apa salahku … hik hik Memang orang yang BT nyebelin buuuangetttt!!!
Menjajah eh … Menjelajah Bangsa-bangsa (Masih Planning)
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Ingatkah lagu ini: Diciptakan alam pria dan wanita dua makhluk dalam asuhan dewata ditakdirkan bahwa pria berkuasa adapun wanita lemah lembut manja wanita dijajah pria sejak dulu dijadikan perhiasan sangkar madu namun ada kala pria tak berdaya tekuk lutut di kerling wanita Sabda Alam - Ismail Marzuki Beberapa waktu yang lalu ada satu kesempatan untuk ke Negara tetangga namun akhirnya pupuslah harapan itu, kandas di tengah jalan. Panggilan hanya satu kali setelah itu tidak ada kabar kabari lagi. Nah saat ini pun ada satu algi, yang lebih dan sangat transparannya saking lebih tidak tentunya dibandingkan yang lalu .. lho kok? Ya karena ada beberapa faktor X dan Y … (kata temanku X dan Y itu kromosom bukan faktor heheheh …) yang uncontrollable. Yah .. seperti bila ada percobaan di laboratorium kimia maka selanjutnya ya kita tunggu reaksinya aja …. Terus aku piker piker … tapi karena daku wanita ya aku rasa rasa juga … kayanya selama ini secara ga sadar pengin menjelajah ke Negara-negara …...
Kreatif dengan Fotomu
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Tentunya di jaman teknologi ini semua sudah tidak asing lagi dengan kamera digital. Kamera digital relatif lebih gampang digunakan dibandingkan dengan kamera analog yang menggunakan film. Selain itu, karena tidak menggunakan film maka akan lebih ekonomis dan kita bisa ‘menjepret’ foto sebanyak-banyaknya kemudian baru diedit dan ditentukan yang mana yang akan dicetak ataupun mana yang akan dihapus bila kualitasnya tidak sesuai dengan harapan.
Selain untuk dicetak dan dipajang di desktop computer kita bias mengoptimalkan dan berkreasi dengan file foto yang kita miliki. Salah satunya dengan memprosesnya menjadi slide show, yang tampak seperti foto yang ada ‘efek’-nya dan juga bisa ditambahi latar musik.
Beberapa software yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat clip foto yaitu Nero Vision (ada pada Nero versi 7 ke atas), Windows Movie Maker (Windows XP), muvee, ulead. Umumnya software ini tidak gratis alias harus mengeluarkan kocek untuk mendapatkannya.
Untuk membuat sli...
Di Persimpangan Jalan
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Sekarang gua lagi merasa berada di persimpangan jalan .. kalao kita berada di persimpangan jalan Pratunam it's OK bisa memilih ke Platinum, Big C ato ke arah Pratunam.. kita bisa melihat bagaimana keadaan jalannya, apakah crowded atao tidak, macet ato tidak. sedangkan gua lagi di persimpangan jalan, ga kelihatan optionnya apa aja ... apalagi di balik jalan tersebut, apa yang menunggu juga tidak tahu. Mana jalan berkabut lagi ... hik hik hik Ya dibandingkan beberapa waktu lalu, apakah ini tegar ato karena udah ilang rasa Feels like lost my feeling my senses but still alive, looks like dream but it's real ... Yet can not figure what is in front of me What's waiting for me there I miss my frens ... where are you now???
Sad and Happy
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Just came back from Indonesia. My dad was passed away on October 1, 2008 so on October 2, 2008 I went home to Indonesia. It was sad, because I couldn't see my dad anymore, and he wouldn't be there for many happy moments in the future. It was a happy time too, when I could spent some time with my family, chi chat and share the special moment. I know that my dad has gone in peace and the most important, in Christ. And I believe that it's part of His plan to bring goodness to me and my family, Amin.
Just Believe
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Mon, 29 Sept 2008 I've prayed and applied to be a lecturer in a university but still no news yet. I believe You have provided me the better one for me. I don't know what that is, but I BELIEVE ... I BELIEVE. You are able! Nothing is impossible for You (Luk 1 : 37) Thurs, 24 Sept 2008 This is the time when my life seems, feels STUCK, STAGNANT
Moving ... again
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For the 3rd time in 2,5 years ... I am moving to a new room Confirming that I am a real 'nomaden' Confirming that I absolutely don't like 'the moving things' yet I did it ... Because of a silly reason finally I decided to find a new place.. Thank to Jesus, I found it just in several hours ... a nice room, bigger than the previous one, even nearer to my work place .. What I like most is the atmosphere around my room .. the residential area is just nice, clean and very homey .. just like a place where I stayed 2 years back in Surabaya - Kutisari Indah
Help from God
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This month is very exciting for me. Exciting because of so many uncertainty big or small. Small things resulted from a decision I made at the end of last month. Big things are the things that I prayed for long time and still not see anything now, in fact things going worse. The exciting part is that I already promised to God that I want to experience miracle or supra natural things in my life, big or small. Talking about 'small things'. I have set aside a portion budget for this month's visa extension. I don't know why this month so many expenses : unplanned but all come together so I lack of money for small things. A condition I believe many of my friends in Bangkok never experience it... This week it's really a test for me. I have a portion of money but I do not want to use it other than for visa extension, but I really don't have other source now. The other source usually I have, for this month has been idle because of the busy-ness of my student. I'm sur...
Over React
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Two weeks ago. Too shameful .. memalukan banget.. I live in a room with a shared balcony area which is also used for (cloth) drying area. It happened two or three times that some body(s) has accidentally took and not return (stolen??) a piece or two of my cloth. There was a new shirt given by a friend as a birthday present ... sigh sigh ... So two weeks ago, I went home from office only to find that the whole laundry of mine which I put on my private area near my room: all disappeared! I was tired of something I couln't remember it now, so I search to the common area in case somebody has moved them, but no. So I went down to the maid's room but she wasn't there. Then I saw there were 2 boys, so I asked them if they knew about my cloths and that all of them were disappeared. Fortunately or unfortunately one of them can understand one or two words of English so with the help of non verbal language which I insisted to show them the place I hung my clothes and other things unti...
A New Challenge or Opportunity ?
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This month many surprises has come to me. Begin with a bad news, but turn out to be a good thing : I have think about it and realize that I am not ready yet for that big step in my life ... A tiny new thing I try but I don't if it will be my way in the future. Another news is I might get an opportunity to work at another country, at Vietnam. So I've searched any information about Vietnam: housing, food, living cost, transportation, safety etc. I have some rough picture ... it's quite not like here in Bangkok, a little bit more like Jakarta but just in smaller scale of the city size ... Now I'm waiting information from them. Wish me luck ... Will come back with more info ..
Beautiful Indonesian Passport
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I just renew my passport in June 2008. As the consequence I need to report to the bank, immigration bureau and other institution I haven't thought at ... When I brought my passport with me at office to do all the process a friend a Burmese saw the passport and his comment: this Indonesian passport is very nice, very good quality (yes, the identity page is water proof with the paper covered with a sealed dove plastic) ... And when he opened all the pages he said the design, the color and the paper are very nice compared to their passport ... WOW!! I just complained about the first page of my passport which is handwritten not machine typing, which may cause problems in certain countries' immigration check points as what I read/heard from friends ... but now this comments really really make me glad and proud of my Indonesia Regardless of many bad people who corrupts in the government body Regardless of many bad leaders who just know how to exploit their people and not to build the...
Indonesian Scolarship to Learn Bahasa Indonesia
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Ever heard of Indonesia? A beautiful country consist of more than 22.000 islands, it's the country where I come from Do you looking for a scholarship? Do you want some challenge ... stay in a beautiful country with nice people ? Eat exotic and delicious Indonesia food ... The scholarship to learn Bahasa Indonesia and culture, in Indonesia. The scholarship covers: - tuition fee - allowance on living cost Rp 1.000.000,- /month - clothing allowance, Rp 300.000,-/year So .. What are you waiting for ..... Quotes from http://www.darmasiswa.diknas. : DARMASISWA is a scholarship program offered to all foreign students from countries with which Indonesia has friendly relations, to study Indonesian language, arts, music and crafts as well as other courses at any universities in Indonesia. The DARMASISWA program was started in 1974. until 1975, only students from ASEAN member countries were allowed to join the program. However, from 1976, students from other countri...
Doctor Don't Angry
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It's not good to compare people, but I write this to, well ... analyze two different persons acting in the same function, a doctor. The first doctor when he saw my medical record pointing on my weight asking to the nurse in Thai: is it true??? Oh I don't know what was in his mind. I admit I am slim, and I keep what come to my stomach of course. Anyway he didn't care for my explanation so I chose quiet than to make the doctor unhappy. His English is good, and I could asked some questions. The week after the first doctor, I went back to hospital, this time with another doctor. This young and beautiful doctor, I guess was a new one. At first she was very brilliant. When I told her my symptoms I found out that she couldn't speak English, and not understand English, almost at all. And she answered my questions in Thai, a very fast. When I expressed that I didn't understand, she repeated it again, in Thai. Not satisfied with her answer I tried to tell her my symptoms and...
Cough ... don't Love Me OK
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I have this cough quite a friend now, more than a month. now it's a lot better. I have seen the doctor twice, with each give me different advice (they are from the same hospital) ... and so many friends who give me traditional advice as below: - drink warm/hot (be careful not to burn your tongue!!) water This I have done it until today. It's easy as we always have hot water at office. - 1/2 spoon of lime juice + honey and take it with hot water. - take Vitamin C everyday. Yes I must admit I am a bad patient, ever skip my antibiotics twice because I forgot to bring the medicine. The same also with vitamin C I forgot it one or two times, so now I must remind myself to take it while working hour. - have enough rest. I have tried to cancel some appointments, and stay at home. Went to bed early, alas I still can not sleep at 10 pm, my mind keep planning this and that. I read until around 12 pm :). In other time while I took 2 days leave to have rest at home, I cleaned my room (smal...
Tips to Keep Your Body Slim
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Not only me who wonder why after two years in Bangkok I still haven't put weight. Some of my frens they even saying that maybe I have worms (???) I ate quiet a lot compared to some girls. I eat almost everything: chicken,seafood, pork, beef, egg, vegetable, fruits, chocolate, milk, nuts, coconut milks etc. So here I will give you some of my tips to maintain: 1. Keep burning your calories. I go to work by walking, it's about 25 minutes distance with my not so long legs every working day. 2. Eat three times: breakfast, lunch and dinner. 3. Reduce snacks. I don't eat a lot snacks, only sometimes when with friends, and don't eat a lot of fried things. Or eat fruits as snacks. 4. Control what you eat and keep it balance. If there are a lot of food to be eat, choose each in small amounts, and don't eat too much. If I have big party then the next day I will eat a lot of vegetable and fruits to keep it balance. 5. Have your dinner early. It's a habit in my family to ha...
Amateur Photographer
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A new hobby I have now ... photography .. as a very very amateur photography in some church community event. and some ppl called Ms. Photographer he he he I experienced it is difficult to produce a good picture. While the digital camera I used belong to church is quite a good one, the lack of some feature really really upset me. On an occasion I tried to take pics from some children, and here is I got. I was not quick enough to execute and the little girl already change her position. Maybe she was too bored to wait while I tried to put her face on the right composition and try not to shake my hand .... so she just finally stand from her sitting position ... hmm sorry girl ... this time failed again ... :( :(
A Rebellious Cartridge
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Saturday, June 7, 08 Today after the birthday celebration I mentioned in previous post, still had many items in my to-do-list which not made me happy. Having a lot things to do, well not really that a lot just my mind demanding some more time to relax and body demanding more rest Anyway, after the celebration I need to print some DVD cover. Printing is easy: just turn on computer and printer and click 'print'. Yes but not that easy, because I need to design the text. That's mean I need to know the date of the sermon, the pastor's name, the topic of the sermon, which unfortunately some data was not provided by the person-in-charge-who-supposed-to-responsible for the completeness of the data. Well and it's also we need to put the pastor's pic on the pose when he is delivering the sermon. If I didn't get the picture (not given by the PIC I mentioned above) I need to play the DVD and capture some of the picture from the recording. The quality is dropped and agai...
Nasi Tumpeng
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Saturday, June 7, 08. I am backkkkk ... After long time disappeared. Ya, I just had difficult time ... wonder some many difficulties in this year hmmm anyway it is not the subject .. Today an Indonesian friend celebrate his birthday. Just a small party inviting everybody who attends the Fasting Prayer. As usual, the menu will be very awaited: Indonesian food! This time I attach pictures .. too bad not have enough time to take more picture. And also to pay the respect for the one who celebrate birthday .... I really really want to take food picture but there are some other moments where need to be captured ...geez if there was other photographer I would be able to focus only to my interest ' foodie ..:). The 'yellow mount' rice is called nasi tumpeng, made from mixture of glutenous rice + rice with some Indonesian spices. Sorry I couldn't tell you the recipe as I am not so keen in cooking now even after a very good chef explain to me the ingredients which I tried so mu...
After holiday
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Just gone through the tears blood week .. well necessarily really bloody ... what I mean is very tiring physically and emotionally. Did I do a very hard labour ... nay .. just spent a week holiday and when times come to start work at office seems difficult to pace with the speed :D :D :D .. Truely ... When I don't have 'enough' things to make me occupied all my brain n creativity seems stop, won't run ... and life become so dull. But If I only have some errands and tight schedules to meet it will exhaust me too. So what is the conclusion of my short revelation during my holiday .. I have thinking a lot, comparing some periods in my life the ups and downs and analyzing the problems (you know I am a wanna-scientist-but-ended-nowhere) .. and I really really realizes: - for my body : I need to have talk to people, doing exercise (this part fails sometimes), eat good food (nyum nyum) - for my mind (soul): I need some interaction with other people other than work related to ...
Kdrama Marry A Millionaire
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Just finished watch this kdrama . Got stuck to it because the lead actress Kim Hyun Joo is the one who plays in Ms. Kim Make One Million Dollar Quest ... I like this serial, of course because of the lead actress ... the character Han Eun-young she played as the center of the story, is a confusing girl who struggling to get her life, and her love too. She was not sure if she loves him, and whether he really loves her. Through all the scenes finally she knows what she feels, and what he feels. Things seems very complicated because if she keep her love then Kim Young-hoon's carreer will be on a danger, because the famous actress and a daughter of the network boss Jung Soo-min will not let Young-hoon go to Eun-young. It's happy ending yes, and as usual it has some parts which it drags to story too much ... the part when there is misunderstanding between them because of another man and another woman interefer. Not an extraordinary items in Korean drama, oh yes the character of the...
A Very Transformation
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What can time to us? I will say that God does many things in a period of time to me. Yes, a year is a lot different, now and last year. Especially if you are a person who long and thirsty for God, surely there is muuuch different things. I don't like some parts of them, but according to my friend they are good things. Maybe he is right, because in many cases an outsider can see more clearly than what we can see if we are in-process-by-God. Things I used to like now I don't like them so much. What I never thought of, that's what I am now. Maybe this is only in the middle of something, so I can not see the ending of the process. I believe that in everything God works to bring the goodness for whom who believe in Him.
First Love
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Everyone must have heard of first love. The first time when love touch you ... Love here is between man and woman. Some people had it at teenage, some at youth age, for someone first love is the only love they have. For me I forgot which one is my first love. Do I have one? I kind of remember of some 'like' to some persons, but surely they weren't love. Just an admiration from a little girl who wanted to be loved. There is one thing close enough to first love. Years back when I was in primary school. A boy who was very quiet and shy. But then he moved to another city. Later we also moved to another city and we never contacted again. Or about a friend from my junior high school. He is a boy who was very funny and very care to me. He is my senior. After he graduated he studied to a favourite private senior high school, and then we moved to another city. We lost contact again. This one surely I had some memory. What would happened if we still have contact? If there were intern...
The Joy of the Lord
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Everyone of us must be agree that life is not easy. Life offers joy, happiness, health but in many times it offers the opposite things. I can say this, as when I was so young I already knew what is sorrow. I couldn't explain, just somehow the facts in my life at that time told me that there is sorrow. Years passed, and now I am in a foreign country. A thing that I never imagined, nor thought. I never thought that I would study master degree, but it is, and now I graduated. It should be a very happy thing for me. Yet it seem like a dream for me. In this happy day, some very small thing make me upset. A small misunderstanding about the rules and the ceremony has put me in a condition-that-I-never-wanted, but of course when the persons asking sorry what can I say beside forgive them? Maybe they don't know the feeling inside me ... so sad ..the other part of myself told me: "I told you so .. there is happiness" .. but I struggle to it. No, there is happiness. God has pre...